Book Review: Shifting Identities (Criminal Elements #3) by Cris and Clare Meyers

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 out of 5 stars

What a ride! This third installment in the Criminal Elements series focuses primarily on Carlos and Grace. Watching the young, relatively innocent Carlos navigate among his new friends, mastering the “criminal element” if you will, really tugs on the ol’ heartstrings. Equally charming was getting an insider’s view as each of his companions tries to help him grow while still preserving his innocence in whatever way they can. Grace’s challenge was particularly endearing.

Cris and Clare have developed something special. Their unique tandem writing style creates a seamless narrative, one which draws the reader in immediately. Their characters are endearing (well, our heroes at least… the villains are appropriately vile) and flawed. They’ve taken what could have been a boiler plate “gang attempts an impossible heist” trope and woven elements of magic and wonder to create quite the tapestry.

I always worry when reading a series that I’ll be left with a nail-biting cliffhanger ending, but rest assured… Shifting Identities ends well with plenty of room for the next book but without leaving you in a panic. Bring on book four!

Check out the Criminal Elements series on Kindle here.

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